This Saturday...

Hi! So this is the wonderful world of comics... at the same time I'm in a show featuring Jewish women confessional cartoonists, I'm also in a show that features artists who were inspired by Jack Kirby.  I hope no one pukes or gets burger juice on my Goddess of War originals. It opens this Saturday

Also I am currently dragging my ass on everything comics oriented.  I am stuck on this story and am wasting valuable babysitting time.

Oiy Vey!

Hi, I'm in an art show that's just coming to New York. It's called Yentas: Bitches Who Kvetch. No, it's actually called Graphic Details: Confessional Comics by Jewish Women. Oiy Gevalt. I usually hate shows or anthologies that categorize work so much. It just puts you in an academic box, especially when for so long I've tried to do weird stuff like The Goddess of War, and poem comics. And I feel very conflicted about Judiasm (but isn't that the essence of being Jewish?)  But there are a lot of good cartoonists like Sarah Glidden, Miriam Katin, Ariel Schrag, Vanessa Davis, and Miss Lasko Gross. It's at the Yeshiva Museum.  I've got lots of sketches about being pregnant in it. I'll be on a panel with Katin, Lasko-Gross, Schrag at the Yeshiva U museum on Sunday, October 23rd.

Janice Shapiro

Janice is one of those ringer students that you pay to come to class and make you look good. She's also a published author and screenwriter, but it amazes me that she's never had any formal drawing training.  She's working on a great series right now called "Crushable" that you should definitely check out.  But here's a great one-off called "Jeopardy".  You can email her with praise at


Happy Birthday Ramona

Today is my daughter's 2nd birthday. It's weird being a parent and remembering what that entails--the actual birthing procedure. Here's a sketch I did a few weeks before thinking about the big day...

Car F-Ing.

Here's another klassic kartoon from the Vineyland vault, circa 2000.  People liked it because it had the f-bomb in it.  So the savvy entrepreneur that I am, I decided to get 100 t-shirts printed.  Guess what?  No one wears t-shirts with the F-word emblazoned on their chests.  I turns out that when you wear one on the subway and a you can tell a bunch of seven-year-olds are squinting to make out what your shirt says, you feel bad, however hardcore your soul is.

My Old Neighborhood...

I was just thinking about where I used to live the other day.  We lived in an old warehouse, up on the fourth floor. There was a door that opened out to nothing.  Some nights we'd open it and watch the car insurance fires raging three feet high or the prostitution van with the Hasidic johns , or the packs of wild dogs, if you stayed up late enough.  I made this comic when I lived there, 11 years ago.  Now I think there's a heath food store around the corner.

9-11 and little laurie sprinkles

On the morning of 9-11-01 I was very excited, because I had my first illustration come out in the New York Times.  It was a spot illo for a letter to the editor about education.  So I hurried over to the news stand to get my copies of the paper, when I heard people freaking out on the street... the first plane had just hit.  So I went home, and turned on the tv and radio, and listened in horror.  The crazy thing is I had a weekly strip due that afternoon for Seattle's The Stranger, and so the rest of the day, with the TV on, I drew my stupid Little Laurie Sprinkles strip as the world changed forever in the background.   


I’m going to SPX this weekend.  I think.  My husband wants to go.  My parents live in Bethesda.  But there’s nothing worse feeling than going to a convention when you don’t have anything new except for a kid (who is already two years old).  And then you go back to your parents who say, "It's okay honey!  You're our favorite cartoonist (except for Richard Thompson)!" I went last year and made this drawing afterward.


I also hate Bethesda.



Student Corner

[caption id="attachment_796" align="alignnone" width="520" caption="Vreni Stollberger"][/caption] My intern Vreni is typing this and I am dictating. Isn't this amazing? She's not even getting paid. All I can do for her is plug her awesome stuff in a new section on my website called Student Corner. I also have a great backlog of student work that I'll be hyping and showing.