On the morning of 9-11-01 I was very excited, because I had my first illustration come out in the New York Times. It was a spot illo for a letter to the editor about education. So I hurried over to the news stand to get my copies of the paper, when I heard people freaking out on the street... the first plane had just hit. So I went home, and turned on the tv and radio, and listened in horror. The crazy thing is I had a weekly strip due that afternoon for Seattle's The Stranger, and so the rest of the day, with the TV on, I drew my stupid Little Laurie Sprinkles strip as the world changed forever in the background.
little laurie sprinkles
little laurie sprinkles
yet more little laurie sprinkles
Little Laurie Sprinkles, part deux
Little Laurie Sprinkles
Here is the first or second Little Laurie Sprinkles comic I did for Seattle's The Stranger, in 1999. Right before the world went to hell. I did a whole series of these and I'm not sure they were that good, but I definitely felt like a naked fat midget through most of my 20s.
This comic is completely autobiographical.