I've been watching too much reality TV.
something i dug up...
sorry my website looks like shit.
I don't understand any of this wordpress stuff and in the two seconds I have free from motherhood I've been trying to work on comics. So I'm too ashamed to ever update even though I kind of have stuff going on but I hate these stupid menus all over the place. And pages. I just want it to look nice and I can't figure out where the images went.
If you're reading this I'm in Minnesota now.
season's greetings...
Hi everyone. I almost didn't update today. Bad me.
There's a lot of snow trying to destroy my daughter's first Christmas. First our trip to Minnesota was cancelled because of the snow on Sunday. It was rescheduled to Christmas morning. Now a snowstorm called Snowmageddon in Minnesota threatens to cancel this flight too. Will we ever get to Minnesota? Or will it just keep snowing?
how to draw a baby...
three months...
everything I retained from birthing class, part 1...
New Drawings Every Monday and Thursday!
Hi, I keep threatening to update my blog with drawings from pregnancy and new mom hood, but then I get lost in mothering and fear that what I'm going to put up won't be good enough and who am I foolin' anyways? I'm all washed up, four years late on the sequel to Girl Stories. So screw the pity party. Here is my first drawing. I'm going to get a computer genius to help redesign this blog too. If I don't do these things you can feel free to nag me.
I'm going to be at the Brooklyn Comics Festival
I'm going to be signing here this Saturday from 1 to 2 pm with Jillian Tamaki and Michael Kupperman, and then at the PictureBox table from 3 to 4.I may or may not have a mini comic of baby drawings. It will be nice to see you all there since I haven't left my house too much. Come by and say hi to Ramona and me.
Finally the dust has settled!
And now I have me a little baby! Her name is Ramona Salley Hodler.
I have so much to share about the whole pregnancy motherhood experience. But for now here's a couple photos.[gallery link="file" columns="2"]
thank you...
five weeks six days...
six weeks.
Google Theme is Live!
Interviews a plenty!
Here's the audio from the live thingie I did at Union Pool the other day with Julia Wertz and David Heatley. It was kinda boring until we all started to tell embarrassing stories from our past.
This Weekend at Union Pool....
With just 12 weeks to go before I squeeze out a youngin', this Saturday at Union Pool I'm going to be gabbing about auto bio comics with two fabulous luminaries... David Heatley and Julia Wertz. Feel free to drink and not be enormous around me. I won't be jealous.